Jimp Studio

"It's just one guy and his machine,
but he churns out the work of a whole frick'n army of web dev wizards."

One guy, sometimes, but most of the time I have way too much work. So, I have a handful of stellar devs and designers who work with me to help me stay on schedule and tackle the largest projects. They are all awesome, and they are part of the "we" team.

Jimp Studio specializes in "turn-key" websites and web app development for businesses of all sizes.

"You can be my Hero, baby."

Sure, I can be your hero. Not like Enrique, but like a geek. A dev geek with an eye for design is what you need anyway.

From initial graphic design and branding through online data management and custom software solutions, we can help your business grow. With an emphasis on clean and tidy design, Jimp Studio utilizes the best in HTML, CSS, PHP, JS and MySQL to help you achieve your goals.

Hold on a minute ...I will send you a proposal, but I'm not getting down on one knee, and I'm not renting a plane, either. Really, just send me your project specs, or give me a call, or shoot me an email, or do whatever you want (as long as it's legal) to get my attention. I will get back to you lickety split with a response. Call me old fashioned, but I think we should get to know each other a little before proposing.

Let me know what Jimp Studio can do for you.

News & Views

Looking to hire an in-house web developer?

May 1, 2024

Looking to hire an in-house web developer? Don't do it! LAMP stack development... read more

Tags:   application   development   websites  

We Build Custom Web Apps with Your Cloud Data

March 9, 2023

Client Portal ScreenshotNeed to fetch data from your cloud service provider and display it in a customer or... read more

Tags:   data   cloud   erp   crm   api  

Jimp.Cloud CRM Updates

February 2, 2023

Jimp.Cloud DashboardJimp.Cloud CRM + CMS continues to grow! In the past few months, new features have been... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   crm   erp   cms   data    

Need Custom Functionality in your CRM? Choose Jimp.Cloud!

September 7, 2020

Unlike most SaaS applications, Jimp Cloud CRM supports custom web application developme... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   cms   crm   erp   saas  

Jimp Cloud is Live!

July 1, 2020

Jimp Cloud is no longer in Beta but is now available for your business!  A huge... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   cms   crm   erp   saas  

You Need a New CRM

May 11, 2020

Jimp Cloud logoThere are a lot of CRMs to choose from.  Whether you are shopping for a CRM (Custo... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   cms   crm    

Jimp Cloud Unified Contact Page

January 17, 2020

Jimp Cloud Contact PageWhen you view a Contact in Jimp Cloud, everything is one click away. Create Tasks, send... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   crm   intuitive    

Jimp Cloud Sneak Peak

September 4, 2019

Jimp Cloud DashboardJimp Cloud development continues, and the feedback from our Beta users has been fantast... read more

Tags:   jimp cloud   crm   cms   erp  

Jimp Cloud Beta Release

May 7, 2019

Remember the Core Application announced back in 2017?  Well, it has grown into a... read more

Tags:   cloud   erp   crm   cms  

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jimp adj. [origin: Scotland, N England]
neat and trim in a smart way; delicate; slender; handsome; spruce; elegant.